As a community health center we try to make a difference for the people in our community. We strive to contribute to an open, inclusive, fair and sustainable community where we take care of the diverse population in our neighborhood by using proportionate universalism as key concept.
In the care for the patients we apply an equitable commitment to all the members of our community (universalism), but where necessary, we adapt the intensity of our interventions to the needs of the person (proportionate). This person centered approach gives us the ability to make a difference in the lives of our community.
Our multidisciplinary team of nurses, family doctors, social worker, dietician, health promotor, diabetes educators and support services work together to improve the health and well-being of the community. In our daily practice we both focus on the individual and the community because a healthy environment is a key attribution for healthy behavior.
In order to improve the autonomy and participation of the person we provide prevention, health care, rehabilitation and paliative care. Together with a variety of organisations organizations in our neighborhood we try to provide services according to the needs of the community.
Mourning is an universal process without specific recipe. However, consolation and connection proved to be important in a mourning process of a person. A consolation spot is a green place where you can go to reflect on grief and loss. It is a place where you can find comfort, alone or together with other local residents.
Different activities such as walks, concerts or a conversation group are organised on this spot. In this way, a consolation spot creates solidarity around the themes of grief and loss.
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